Day One: Mission San Juan – Exploring

It’s a hop and a skip between Mission Espada and Mission San Juan. “Originally founded in 1716 in eastern Texas, Mission San Juan was transferred in 1731 to its present location. In 1756, the stone church, a friary, and a granary were completed. A larger church was begun, but was abandoned when half complete, the result of population decline.”

Mendy’s bike and trailer on the left, and there’s Marie, about to explore the inside of the mission.
A school field trip. I listened for a while. The leader did a good job of asking questions at a level that encouraged the students to propose answers.
Could not pass up a photo of blooming prickly pear. Almost makes me homesick! On the way back to the hotel.

Back in the room after a 12-mile day. Good thing I’m not concerned about getting my lipstick on straight.