October 4 The Story of Acebo

The battle for connectivity continued. John started working on it, but had the same results. Meanwhile, I’ve walked 12 miles and have five more to my destination. It’s steep downhill on a rocky path. I’m concerned that is a recipe for a stumble, so decide to walk the road to Molinaseca those last few miles.
I wasn’t certain I was on the right road, so when I saw a big, fancy tour bus turn into a big, fancy resort-looking place, I decided to ask the bus driver. Turned out he only spoke German, but the tour leader helped me. He’s 74 and has walked the Camino Frances seven times. He was concerned for me -Steep, narrow highway, and offered a ride on their bus. I accepted, and as I watched the road on the way down, I knew it was the right decision. 
Oh. And he had everyone on the bus sing happy birthday to me! (In English!)

See the other scenes, many bordering on odd, but at the very least, interesting!
And cows, Gail!