Los Dos Marias

A post in a Camino Facebook group shared this article on the restoration of the statues of the Two Marias. The artist who created the statues is on the left. https://www.lavozdegalicia.es/noticia/santiago/2021/02/27/nueva-restauracion-escultura-dos-marias/0003_202102S27C4994.htm?fbclid=IwAR0QpOUnpZbfpPHvxO11-L0cj5Wl0sdxo8O8Au7E8NkOvLaYaPxRcjNrQTM

The two sisters became popular in the old town of Santiago de Compostela during the dark times of the Franco dictatorship. They dressed in outlandish outfits and make-up and walked every day at two o’clock – the busy lunch time and when the Zona Vella was crowded with university students. They’d flirt with the students and generally behave outrageously.

The sisters were seamstresses who lost their clientele because of family involvement with political factions opposing Franco. They brightened the days of Compostella citizens and were fondly cared for by their neighbors.

Wikipedia gives a nice recap of the sisters and the politics that impacted their lives. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Las_Dos_Mar%C3%ADas

Maria Fandiño Ricart and Maria Argentina Coralia Fandiño Ricart
A six minute walk from the Cathedral to Alameda Park and As Duas Marias